Power Duo: How LPL Financial And Salesforce Unlock Customer 360

Jenna Trott  |  August 29, 2023  |  5 Minute Read

nCino and Salesforce

In the ever-evolving landscape of wealth management, where numerous market disruptions are reshaping traditional paradigms, wealth managers are posed with a unique challenge: delivering client experiences that go beyond expectations all while procuring the digital edge necessary to differentiate themselves from competitors. The fact of the matter is that client experiences are more important than ever before with nearly 90% of consumers reporting that the experience they have with a company is as important as the services and products provided by them.

Further, technology has evolved to the point of consistently delivering personalized digital products and services, no longer making these features “nice to have,” but an absolute necessity for companies across industries. Particularly within the sphere of wealth management, 50% of clients believe that their primary wealth manager should improve digital capabilities as a means to offer a level of competitive offerings that parallel what others in the industry are providing.

To meet the dual challenge of prioritizing client experiences and enhancing digital capabilities, a cutting-edge solution presents itself: the integration of LPL Financial’s ClientWorks and Salesforce. LPL Financial, a reputable leader in the financial services industry when combined with the world’s #1 customer relationship management tool that is Salesforce, helps lay the foundational stone for building client and advisor relationships that stand the test of time.

LPL Financial – What do they do?

As a number of external factors threaten to disrupt the way wealth managers conduct business – regulatory changes, digital and data transformation, talent shortages, and so on – an atmosphere of innovation becomes imperative. Navigating through these challenges calls upon businesses to embrace ingenuity in order to achieve favorable outcomes. LPL Financial emerges as an attractive solution.

As a leading provider of support and resources for financial advisors, LPL Financial offers a wide range of services to help wealth managers succeed. A key offering, LPL ClientWorks is an intuitive advisor platform with comprehensive tools for account opening, client management, trading, and more. Benefits include:

Efficiency and Time Savings: By providing a centralized hub for accessing client account types, data, and processing business activities, ClientWorks helps advisors save time that would otherwise be spent navigating multiple systems.

Effortless Account Management: Simplify the account opening process with ClientWorks. Advisors gain the ability to swiftly open different account types and seamlessly convert brokerage accounts to advisory accounts without changing account numbers or history, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for both advisors and clients.

Real-time Request Tracking: ClientWorks Request Tracking Tool (RTT) enables advisors to initiate and monitor online requests and account activities in real-time, enhancing transparency and accountability.

Efficient Cash Management: The Move Money feature enhances the efficiency of cash management transactions, simplifying the process for advisors.

Comprehensive Client Reporting: Client Reporting provides advisors with a fully integrated reporting and analytics tool. This tool allows advisors to assess the performance of clients’ portfolios, including model comparisons and drift reports, using both custom and pre-defined templates.

Direct Trading: Advisors can conduct direct trading of equities, mutual funds, and options directly from client accounts or investments through the Trading feature.

These represent only a fraction of the numerous ways in which ClientWorks contributes to enhancing the operational efficiency of financial advisors’ businesses.

A Dynamic Duo – LPL ClientWorks and Salesforce

By seamlessly marrying the robust financial capabilities of ClientWorks with the customer-centric expertise of Salesforce, wealth managers can proactively adapt, provide unparalleled service, and maintain their competitive edge:

Unleash the Potential of Salesforce to access advanced features such as prospect tracking, relationship management, interaction logging, standardized follow-ups, alerts for overlooked interactions, and personalized customizations tailored to seamlessly align with your distinctive business workflows.

Elevate Efficiency through the power of intelligent automation, liberating your team from mundane tasks and affording more time for nurturing relationships. Through integrated systems, you’ll significantly reduce administrative burdens, allowing you to invest more energy into fostering valuable client connections.

Establish a Single Source of Truth for advisors and clients to oversee all financial matters. Within a single location, your team can access advisor tools, client data, and financial account specifics, fostering effortless collaboration and streamlined information retrieval.

Empower Advisors with optimized account operations, allowing them to seamlessly initiate new account openings and convert brokerage accounts to advisory accounts. Effortlessly track requests in real-time, all within a single platform, streamlining processes for enhanced efficiency.

Craft Comprehensive Reports and leverage intuitive dashboards with ease. Utilize the combined data from Salesforce and ClientWorks to gain actionable insights into client behavior, market trends, and your business performance for optimized initiatives.

Hyper-Personalize Engagement with combined insights from ClientWorks and Salesforce. Advisors can easily tailor interactions and offerings to align with individual client needs and preferences.

In a time where heightened personalization and lightning-fast processes have become the standard, the marrying of these two platforms not only ensures clients’ needs are met with precision but also positions wealth managers at the forefront of market competition.

Company Case Study

Let’s take a look at the case of Julia.


Enter Julia, a dynamic entrepreneur with a portfolio to match. Julia wanted to find a partner in the journey of successful wealth management, however, she met with a financial institution that promised expertise but presented its share of challenges. From the start, Julia feared her financial affairs were not in good hands, she experienced the following:

Fragmented Financial Information made it difficult for Julia to effectively manage her financial affairs. The disjointed nature of her current wealth management platform resulted in numerous inefficiencies and an obscured view of her finances.

Inadequate Insights left Julia’s wealth manager struggling to provide her with a holistic view of her portfolio, leading to less-than-ideal decision-making.

Cumbersome Processes, manual data entry, and duplicative tasks created delays, reducing the efficiency of vital financial operations and prompted Julia to doubt the effectiveness of her financial institution.



Ultimately, Julia decided to switch to a financial institution that leveraged the capabilities of both LPL Client Works and Salesforce. From the beginning, the difference was unmistakable:

A Centralized Dashboard provided Julia with a cohesive view of her finances. Real-time insights into her complete financial landscape empowered Julia to make well-informed decisions, ultimately bolstering her confidence in her financial journey.

A 360-degree View of Julia’s interactions and financial details meant that her advisor could offer personalized strategies tailored to her unique goals.

Efficient Operations and streamlined processes enabled Julia to open accounts, initiate transactions, and track requests effortlessly within a single platform.

Automated Engagement means that Julia’s advisor could ensure timely follow-ups, providing proactive communication and strengthening the advisor-client bond. The result? Julia felt truly supported throughout her financial journey.



Julia’s decision to switch to a financial advisor leveraging the capabilities of LPL ClientWorks and Salesforce ushered in a ​​new phase of financial management for her that proved to be transformative:

Holistic Insights Instantly meant that Julia could access key information without hassle, thanks to the integration of LPL ClientWorks and Salesforce.

Hyper-personalized strategies were made possible thanks to robust data and analytics. Julia’s advisor felt confident that the services and offerings provided to her aligned precisely with Julia’s overarching needs and aspirations.

Efficient and Proactive Support meant that Julia was no longer left in the dark by her advisors. With streamlined operations and automation, Julia spent less time repeating information to multiple people and more time achieving her financial goals.

The integration of LPL ClientWorks and Salesforce transformed Julia’s wealth management experience from fragmented and inefficient to hyper-personalized and efficient. This case exemplifies how harnessing integrated technologies can truly elevate the quality of client service, forging stronger and more productive advisor-client relationships.

Why AGG?

When it comes to finding the right partner for technology integration and digital transformation, it’s crucial to find a company with the right experience. That’s precisely what Access Global Group offers with its unique combination of global deployment expertise and a boutique firm’s nimbleness. With over 15 years of diverse industry experience and a Salesforce Platinum (Summit) level partner status, Access Global Group ensures that your financial institution’s needs and expectations are met throughout the integration process. Access Global Group’s expertise in integrating LPL Financial ClientWorks and Salesforce with other wealth management companies is invaluable, as is our one-of-a-kind project methodology that places our clients at the forefront of every decision made. Our extensive experience working with Salesforce and the financial services industry further underscores our ability to provide the best possible solutions for your business.

AGG has transformed a number of financial institutions with our seamless integration of LPL Financial ClientWorks and Salesforce, unlocking the benefits of a truly comprehensive Customer 360 view.

We eagerly invite you to share the challenges your company is currently encountering and how our highly curated solutions may help.

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