5 Ways Salesforce Can Boost
CRM Productivity
As 2022 draws nearer and 2021 further away, it has become evident that more and more businesses are utilizing CRM software capabilities to manage their customer relationships. But with so many options available, it can be difficult to determine what the best option is for your team’s long-term goals. In many industries, time equals money and if your current CRM is costing you more time than you’re saving — it may be time to transition to a different system. Salesforce has long sInce built a reputation as being a dynamic and robust system that can be customized for industry specific needs, but here are the top 5 ways it can also boost productivity within your org.
1. Sleek Interface
Using a CRM software should make your life easier, the last thing you want is for employees to be fumbling through an overcomplicated system, struggling to find the information they need. The result is an overall slowdown in business and consequently missing out on vital opportunities. Salesforce is user intuitive and makes accessing the right tools, resources and data simple and accessible so your team isn’t wasting time trying to find information that should be readily available.
2. Information Security
Clients want to know that their information is in good hands, making data security one of the most important deciding factors when it comes to a client’s decision to work with you. Salesforce utilizes advanced technology for internet security, called Secure Socket Layer (SSL), to protect your client’s information by using both server authentication and data encryption.
3. Working Smarter, Not Harder
Human beings, while Incredible, have limits to their capabilities. There’s no need to attempt to do all the hard work yourself when there’s a system that can do it efficiently and with more accuracy. Salesforce has many intuitive tools to help users get the most from their investment, but one of particular mention is its capability to effectively manage duplicate contacts and other information. This ensures that your data is tidy and at its most accurate, saving you time and
money in the long run.
4. Report Generation
Because Salesforce prioritizes data accuracy and specificity from its initial input, it makes automated analytics and reports easy and exact the first time. When you’re saving time on report generation, it leaves you with more time to study its precise statistics to glean a clearer understanding of customer ratings, workplace performance and critical market trends.
5. Digitization
If there’s anything the past two years have shown us, it’s to expect the unexpected. When COVID-19 forced many businesses to convert to a remote environment, it ultimately proved consequential for those without a strong system in place. Salesforce makes it easy to convert data to a fully digital space so that it may be accessed from anywhere and at any time – an aspect that is not only essential for global crises but for a rapidly changing digital world. Don’t waste anymore time Googling ways to boost productivity within your org, let Access Global Group do the heavy lifting for you. Our expert team members have extensive experience working with Salesforce implementations and can help you navigate a system integration process so you may start working more efficiently and effectively today. To schedule a meeting, visit: https://meetings.salesloft.com/accessglobalgroup/mathewhorne